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Oh No! How to Handle a Loose Adult Tooth

Concerned woman covering her mouth

As a child, you might remember becoming excited when you noticed one of your teeth starting to wiggle. It was a sign you were growing up! As an adult, though, things are different. You expect your teeth to stay right where they are. So what should you do if you notice that one or more of them is starting to loosen? This blog post provides some practical guidance from an emergency dental team that will minimize the chances of losing the tooth altogether.

Schedule an Emergency Dental Appointment

As soon as you notice any problems with your oral health, you should call your dentist to request an appointment. Tell them as many details about the situation as possible, and they will get you on the books ASAP. Seeking care within 12 – 24 hours is especially important if the tooth got knocked loose during a traumatic incident, such as a sporting mishap or a fall.

Do Not Move Your Tooth

When you were a kid, it might have been fun to play with your loose teeth. That should not happen as an adult. Moving your tooth, such as by wiggling it with your tongue or fingers, will only increase the chances of it falling out completely. Even if you think your tooth needs to be pulled out or splinted into place, you should not attempt DIY treatments. They could make things worse.

Be Careful About What You Eat

Sticky, hard, and chewy foods might further dislodge your tooth. That is why you should avoid things like chips, candies, and raw fruits and veggies. Stick to eating soft foods, and move them immediately to the side of your mouth that does not have any loose teeth.

Keep Your Mouth Clean — But Do Not Brush and Floss

Brushing and flossing your loose tooth might apply too much pressure to it. To keep it clean, gently swish some warm water around your mouth. This may sooth irritated tissues and reduce bacterial buildup.

Receive Treatment

When you visit your dentist, they might be able to splint your tooth back into place. Over time, it may once again become firm in its socket. This is sometimes the case with teeth that are knocked loose due to an impact. If you have loose teeth because of gum disease or other health conditions, a different approach to care may be necessary. In certain cases, the best thing is to completely extract loose teeth. Later, you may be eligible for a dental implant or another form of tooth replacement.

A loose adult tooth is a big deal! Take fast action to minimize the damage to your smile.

Meet the Practice

Dr. Piro Leno and our team are proud to provide comprehensive dental care for the Melrose, MA, community. We strive to accommodate emergency cases as soon as possible, and you can expect us to handle your situation with skill and empathy. If you have a loose tooth or any other pressing dental health concerns, do not hesitate to give us a call at 781-665-1552.

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