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What to Know about the LANAP Laser Gum Surgery

Laser Gum Surgery

Patients suffering from periodontal (gum) disease usually wonder about LANAP and how it differs from traditional therapy. Thus, one thing every dental patient should know is that LANAP is known for its modernized techniques and sheer efficiency.

LANAP stands for Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure. LANAP strengthens the connection between healthy gum tissue and the jaw and mouth bone. This is critical for treating periodontal disease because inflammatory gums loosen and damage dental attachments. 

During periodontal treatment, spontaneous gum healing is frequently used to reverse this condition. LANAP promotes gum healing by allowing healthy gum tissue to create new bonds. 

Read on to discover more about LANAP laser gum surgery, and why both dentists and patients highly recommend it.

Periodontal Disease, Explained

Periodontal disease infects the bone and tissues that support your teeth. Periodontitis has progressed. Gingivitis can be reversed if treated in the gingivitis stage. Periodontal disease necessitates the intervention of an expert. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NICDR) is dedicated to the advancement of dental and craniofacial health. Adults in their thirties and forties are disproportionately affected. Poor oral hygiene, smoking, chronic illnesses, medications, and inherited vulnerability all contribute to periodontal disease.

Cleaning and root planing are part of periodontal disease treatment. This non-surgical deep cleaning eliminates tartar, plaque, and bacteria from the gum line and tooth roots. It helps rebuild gum tissue surrounding your teeth.

Periodontal surgery may be recommended by your periodontist as a treatment for periodontal disease. Your gum disease may be serious. Gum cutting is required for gum flap surgery, according to the NIDCR. It is then peeled back in order to clean the roots. The gums are then sutured to allow them to recover.

The Function of Laser Therapy and LANAP Gum Surgery

Laser periodontal therapy removes inflammatory gum tissue around the root of your tooth. They clean the gums of tartar and plaque. The rough regions above and below the gum line are then polished. By eliminating rough places, the risk of tooth and gum infections is lowered.

During LANAP gum surgery, the dentist removes diseased gum tissue and infected bone or gum pockets during osseous surgery. Sutures are utilized to rebuild the gums while avoiding the formation of pockets. 

To eradicate unhealthy gum tissue, LANAP uses a specific light frequency. The laser kills oral bacteria, which speeds up healing and promotes the development of new tissue. Removal of unhealthy tissue and replacement with healthy tissue both reduces gum damage and speeds up healing.

The Effectiveness of LANAP 

Despite its extended recovery period, intrusive nature, and ability to cause pain, LANAP is usually effective. According to studies, LANAP causes less tooth loss than traditional surgery. It increases gum regeneration in periodontal patients and improves the creation of new gum-to-bone attachments during periodontal therapy.

The long-term efficacy of LANAP against gum disease is also promising. Periodontal disease recurrence is lower in LANAP patients than in osseous surgery patients. The laser destroys the microorganisms that cause periodontal disease, and enhanced tissue regrowth protects the bone and tooth roots from infection. Because LANAP recovery is faster and less painful, patients are more likely to stick to home dental care regimens to prevent future gum disease.

As a result, LANAP creates the ideal conditions for a patient’s natural regenerative healing processes to be accelerated, especially when compared to conventional procedures. The light frequency of the laser encourages the quick creation of new tissue in the treated gums and bones.


More than wanting beautiful teeth, we must also take care of and maintain our gums. In the unfortunate situation of experiencing gum disease, know that you can look to laser gum therapy and LANAP to reverse the damage and restore your gum health. Simply make sure you go to a trusted dentist that can perform this procedure on you, and you’ll then be worry-free!

Are you looking for a dentist in Melrose? Melrose Dental Group is here to guide you through achieving your best teeth yet. Visit our clinic today to learn more about our services!

Posted in Oral Health