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4 Tips for Stronger Teeth

How to Have Stronger Teeth

Teeth are meant for biting, chewing, and speaking clearly. But with time, they weakened, chip, or fall off. Maintain your smile by protecting your teeth with proper care. There are a lot of online trends but we’ve decided to simplify this information. Follow these 4 tips and you’ll notice stronger teeth!

How to have stronger teethBrush and floss.

There’s no other way around basic dental care. Brushing twice a day and flossing daily is a great start to maintaining stronger teeth. Brushing after each meal is best because you remove food particles and bacteria before they start to affect your teeth enamel.

Eat better.

Much like weight loss, healthier teeth requires a diet plan. Avoid soda, sugar, and starchy foods. Unhealthy diets affect the teeth enamel and exposes the teeth to decay and total loss. Instead, replace unhealthy options with more vegetables and fruits. These options have nutrients that promote healthier teeth and overall oral health.

Cut the habit.

Drinking alcohol and smoking is not good for your health, including your teeth. Alcohol dehydrates and causes a dry mouth. Without enough saliva, bacteria builds up and begins affecting the teeth. Smoking also dehydrates and affects the immune system which leaves the mouth susceptible to more bacteria.

Keep foreign objects away.

No ice, nail biting, pens, or pencils. We all have habits and some show it more often than others. Refrain from using your teeth to biting these and other hard items. You can chip, fracture, and lose teeth.

Weakened teeth starts with tooth enamel loss which is irreversible. There are options to restore teeth and maintaining them. Contact our dental office to learn more. Call (781) 665-1552 or request an appointment online.

Posted in Oral Health