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Veneers vs. Crowns: A Detailed Comparison Guide

Veneers and crowns are two modern dental procedures performed by a certified dentist to enhance your smile & restore your tooth’s function. These forms of dental restoration are in huge demand and can achieve great results. Veneers and crowns are color-matched to your existing teeth. 

Although both have a success rate, each of these treatments has its own set of advantages & disadvantages. Therefore, it is highly advisable to research well before planning your session with your dental practitioner.

Here’s the Difference Between Veneers & Crowns



1. Thickness

Relatively thin, approx 1mm in thickness

2mm approx thick

2. Coverage

Bonded to the tooth’s front

Encapsulates the entire tooth

3. Placement

A veneer has to be applied to a natural tooth.

A dental crown can also be placed over the dental implant to act as a replacement for your natural tooth.

4. Degree of Invasiveness

Veneers are a more conservative treatment.

A part of your natural tooth has to be removed to make room for the crown.

Which One is Best-Suited For You?

If your tooth has a deep hole, worn, cracked, or a root canal, the crown is generally prescribed by top dentists in Melrose, MA. For minor shape corrections — teeth still intact & restoration mainly for aesthetic purposes — veneers are most recommended.

How Much Each Dental Procedure Cost?

Both veneers & crowns are costly dental procedures, and dental insurance plans generally don’t cover cosmetic dentistry treatments. The individual cost varies, depending on the tooth size, where it is in your mouth, and averages prices in your area. 

As per the Consumer Guide to Dentistry, each veneer can cost between $925 to $2,500 per tooth, and it lasts for 10 to 15 years. The porcelain veneers are slightly more expensive than composite veneers but the former last longer. 

The crown procedure can cost $800 to $1700 or more per crown. The porcelain and ceramic crowns are way pricier than the all-metal crowns. 

You can ask your dentist if they have a budget plan or space out your payments over six months to one year without interest. The dental prices vary from one region to another, so consult your dentist to make a well-informed decision regarding pricing while not compromising on the expertise of the dentist you choose. 

Pros & Cons of Veneers and Crowns

Pros of Veneers

  • Veneers are more aesthetically pleasing compared to crowns.
  • Veneers don’t require much trimming, so you have your natural teeth.
  • A tooth with a veneer allows movement.

Cons of Veneers

  • A veneer leaves more areas exposed for tooth decay.
  • The veneers aren’t reversible.
Pros of Crowns

  • Your tooth is better protected, as a crown covers the whole tooth.
  • It looks & feels like your natural teeth.
  • Crowns are relatively permanent.

Cons of Crowns

  • More of your natural teeth are removed for this procedure.
  • A crown is fragile and can deteriorate over time. 

At Melrose Dental Group, we offer both veneers and crown dental procedures. Being an award-winning dental clinic, we have a panel of qualified & certified dentists with extensive expertise in their respective dental fields. 

Make Your Appointment with the Dentist Today!

Posted in Oral Health